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List of experienced researchers

Below is a list of experienced researchers who agreed to provide answers to telemetry questions from the broader ETN community (and beyond), so do not hesitate to ask if you are in doubt or are simply looking for additional input regarding your project. In case you want to be added to the list of experienced researchers, please contact Tugce Sensurat Genc at


Country Sort descending Expert Name Email Affiliation Education Data management Data analyses Tagging Deployments Study design Equipment compatibility Collaboration with stakeholders
BE Jan Reubens email Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) Masters
BE Francisco Hernandez email Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) Masters
BE Pieterjan Verhelst email Ghent University PhD
BE Jolien Goossens email Ghent University / Flanders Marine Institute Masters
BE Ine Pauwels email Research Institute for Nature and Forest PhD
BG Tihomir Stefanov email National Museum of Natural History, Sofia PhD
CA Fred Whoriskey email Ocean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University PhD
CZ Ivan Jaric email Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences PhD
CZ Milan Riha email Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology PhD
DK Kim Aarestrup email Technical University of Denmark PhD
DK Jon C. Svendsen email Technical University of Denmark PhD
DK Henrik Baktoft email Technical University of Denmark PhD
DK Kim Birnie-Gauvin email Technical University of Denmark PhD
EE Mehis Rohtla email Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu PhD
ES Eneko Aspillaga email Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies PhD
ES Gonzalo Mucientes email Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo (IIM) Masters
ES Joaquin Del Rio email Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, Obsea Sarti PhD
ES Josep Alos email Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies PhD
ES Miguel Cabanellas-Reboredo email Spanish Institute of Oceanography PhD
ES Alexandre Alonso Fernández email Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, IIM-CSIC PhD
ES Pablo Arechavala-Lopez email FishEthoGroup Association PhD
ES David Villegas Rios email Spanish National Research Council PhD
FR Jerome Bourjea email IFREMER PhD
GB Diego del Villar email Loughs Agency Northern Ireland PhD
GB Jon Bolland email University of Hull PhD
IL Renanel Pickholtz email Tel Aviv University Masters
IS Johannes Sturlaugsson email Salmon and Trout Research Bachelors
IT Giovanni D'anna email Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (CNR) Masters
IT V. Maximiliano Giacalone email CNR-IAS Masters
LT Saulius Stakėnas email Nature Research Centre PhD
NL Inge Van der Knapp email Leiden University Masters
NO Finn Økland email Norweigan Institute for Nature Research Masters
NO Jan Grimsrud Davidsen email NTNU University Museum PhD
NO Robert Lennox email NORCE LFI PhD
PL Andrzej Kapusta email Inland Fisheries Institute PhD
PT Jorge Fontes email IMAR / Okeanos-Uac PhD
PT David Abecasis email University of the Algarve, CCMAR PhD
PT Alexander Winkler email University of the Algarve, CCMAR PhD
RO Stefan Hont email Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development PhD
SE Tomas Brodin email Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences PhD
SE Lo Persson email Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences PhD
SE Henry Hansen email Karlstad University Masters
SE Gustav Hellström email Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences PhD
SI Uroš Videmšek email Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia Masters
TR Ahmet Alp email University of Kahramnamaraş Sutcu Imam PhD
TR Aytaç Özgül email Ege Univeristy, Faculty of Fisheries PhD
ZA Enrico Gennari email Oceans Research Institute PhD