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Our mission:logo

STRAITS will deploy infrastructure to monitor animal movements using acoustic telemetry at four key locations in Europe: 1) the Danish Straits, 2) the North Channel, 3) the Strait of Gibraltar, and 4) the Strait of Bosphorus and Dardanelles. STRAITS will leverage ongoing acoustic telemetry tracking projects, expand efforts to connect tracking initiatives from across Europe, develop data management plans and networking to promote synergy and deliver data to national and international governing bodies. Coordinating aquatic animal tracking and environmental observation efforts at a scale that will be usable to make progress on international marine management and planning, is a major step towards an operational European Tracking Network (ETN) that contributes to major European biodiversity initiatives, conservation, and policy.



Our Work Packages & Contacts:

Work Package

Lead Partner


WP1 - Project Management & Coordination

Loughs Agency Ross McGill (

WP2 - Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation

Technical University of Denmark Kim Birnie-Gauvin (

WP3 - Integrated Research Infrastructure

     Danish Straits Technical University of Denmark Kim Aarestrup (
     North Channel Loughs Agency Ross McGill (
     Strait of Gibraltar Spanish Institute of Oceanography Ricardo F. Sánchez (
     Strait of Bosphorus & Dardanelles Ege University Aytaç Özgül (
     Passive Acoustic Tracking Atlantic Technological University Joanne O'Brien (

WP4 - Data Management

Flanders Marine Institute Jan Reubens (

WP5 - Future Directions

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Robert J. Lennox (

Our partners:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101094649. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union cannot be held responsible for them. Funded by EU